What causes cracked heels?

Cracked heels develop from tiny splits that occur in dry and damaged skin that lack moisture.

If left untreated, these tears can grow into deeper cracks known as fissures.

Other causes of cracked heels include:

  • Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc in ones diet.

  • Standing at work or home for excessively long periods of time, which can create stress on the skin of your heels.

  • Cracks are more likely to form as you get older as thick, dry, scaly skin tends to lose elasticity with age.

  • Health disorders such as Athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid disease, diabetes can cause cracked heels.

  • Obesity can increase the pressure on the fat pad under the heel causing it to expand sideways. If the skin lacks flexibility, pressure tends to be put on the foot which can cause cracked heels.

How to heal cracked heels?

Simple ways to help heal cracked heals (excuse the pun!) are to increase your water intake and eat a diet that is rich in healthy fats and nutrients such as vitamin A and zinc.

It is very important to moisturise feet often, using a quality foot cream that can help to boost & seal in moisture.

For me, as a foothealth practitioner, a cream that I would recommend is Flexitol Heel Balm. This is because it helps to nourish and smooth hardened and calloused skin, leaving a patient's feet feeling hydrated and soft after a foothealth treatment.

Call Crisalida today if you need help with cracked heels. We offer professional foothealth in the comfort of your home or work place and we are registered with Stonebridge Associated Colleges.

For further info

Tel: 07958930389


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